Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Our Nightmare Revealed.......

Dear residents of Subang Alam , Bunga Negara and Putra Heights.
I went for the LRT public viewing at MBSA and managed to get some photos of our nightmare. Attached.
From the photos, I can only come to a conclusion that these ones were taken more than 3 years ago as Putra Bistari, my place, was still under construction, while PALMS - the rich man's area was not even up...notice the bare area next to the lake. Take a look at PALMS now - penuh ngan rumah orang kaya-raya and look Station 12 next to PALMS for the orang kaya to use the LRT !!! Amboi.
Notice the LRT is running next to the lake - the red dotted line, right behind Subang Alam houses. ( between STN 11 and STN 12)
In Putra Heights, it's running right next to our houses and closest to Anita / Nazir's row. These people on this row will not be able to open the windows at the back of their houses.
Residents of Bunga Negara will have the same problems as Putra Heights residents - noise throughout our lives - sharp debilitating noise for the rest of our lives.
Take some time out and think about your future, the future of your children and their children. Do we really need this in our backyard ?
Who will upkeep the LRT after it's built ????? As it is, Rapid KL buses, run by Prasarana is already having problems, they cannot upkeep it - no spare parts - the buses were bought cheap by Prasarana from China without spare parts - this news was in the papers.
Yes, our nightmare is going to come alive if we don't do anything about it, people, wake up lah.......

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